Posted by: Bonnie Phelps | May 24, 2024

Why do you love Palomar? Oh, please tell!

Tomorrow it will be just six weeks that we have been aware that there is a possibility of a huge 500,000 Volt transmission line cutting right through the beautiful view you see there from State Park Road. As most of you know the bid was awarded but even with a 30 minute conference call with that company, they absolutely would not disclose their routes. We were told they would release the routes sometime next Spring of 2025! We are guessing that because they planned the call with a group of Palomar property owners, the route may still go over this Mountain. So we aren’t backing down.

Kate Woods, one of our group of concerned property owners consulted with an eminent domain attorney. She shared that we must have findings for the “Public Good”, “Public Use”, with solid documentation and overwhelming pictorial and written statements, new articles, from the “Public” who use Palomar as a family tradition and wonderful memories, a playground, environmental learning, etc. This is not only about residents, this is about the Public.

There are thousands of miles of 500,000 Volt lines throughout the country over Environmentally Sensitive, Federal, State, and Native lands.  Most of those lands do not have any use to the “Public” where the power line is placed.

Tactics in fighting a power line, cannot just be emotional, ‘not in my back yard’, with concern about environmental damage.  Public Good has to be Number One. That the Public will be damaged, the Public, unknown individuals to residents on Palomar and visitors have to fight for Palomar.

We need public groups to join this fight, now, their opinions, pictures and letters of Palomar posted on our website. This will include the Camps, camp grounds, individuals married on Palomar (who don’t live on Palomar), Bird Watching groups, bicycle, car and motorcycle clubs, hikers, University papers, students that study the environment or archeology. The astronomers that come from around the world, news stories of the snow visitors, free hunting available to the public, no charge Explore the Stars events, etc. needs to be number one on the website.

Kate has had recent dealings with the Government and “the Greater Good for the Public Use” and this is the most important.  In California it’s about showing an overwhelming Equity to the Public. When there is overwhelming Public Opinion and Use, the attorney said, the company will not win at destroying Palomar with 500,000 Volt power line.

Palomar has a tremendous history of astronomers and people coming from around the world to use and visit what would the world’s largest Observatory for 45 years! Our camps have had children enjoy their time so much on this mountain that they have now come back to be on staff or buy property up here. Our vacation rentals have an amazing list of guests from nearly every state already posted and international guests. We’ve hosted the Tour de California Amgen Bicycle Race twice and many more events that attract global attendees.

We need to hear from all of you from SoCal, the United States and around the world to help in keeping those huge transmission towers OFF this beautiful mountain. Please take a minute and leave your comments at Save Palomar Mountain. 

Then, would you please share on all your social media, including group posts for neighboring cities?

Thank you so much for your support!

Bonnie Phelps,

Just one of the many volunteers that have been working night and day to Save Palomar Mountain…


  1. Nicely written – Thank You!

  2. Bonnie, What about all of the hunters that use Love Valley and Mile Marker 6? 

    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

    • Yes, Hunting clubs are mentioned, 5th paragraph down in the way-too-long-post. I’ll connect with you with tips on spreading the word to those great guys.

      • The term hunting club usually refers to private. I think it’s important to point out that it’s free pubic hunting for those that can’t afford private hunt clubs. Obviously it affects the the private clubs as well. 

        Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

        • Thank you Jenna, I did update that when I got this message from you. Frank McCarthy was at the Saturday meeting and said he is going to really spread the word with those who hunt the public land.

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